Peter Bar, 2008-2012

Launch, management and solemn closing of the legendary bar, 2008 - 2012
Once upon a time, in 2008, with the roar of a falling Russian economy, we opened a bar.
This was our first bar, and to be honest, we did not understand anything in this business and did not know how to manage it - we just wanted to make such a bar so that we could tell our grandchildren about it.
And unexpectedly, Peter-bar became the most popular place in the city
Not succumbing to the sudden popularity, we continued to invent something all the time ...
In addition to entertainment, we often thought about the high - the Peter Bar has become a platform for local and visiting art parties. During the work of the bar, Marat Gelman, Kirill Shamanov, ZIP Group and many others spoke at our place.
After three years of boisterous youth and high-profile parties, having earned the title "Best Club of the Year" three times in a row according to magazine, we realized that we said everything we wanted in this format. Gathered spirit and closed the Peter Bar. Of course, having arranged the loudest party in the city on this occasion!